UC admission guidelines are designed to ensure you are well-prepared to succeed at UC. If you're interested in entering the University of California as a freshman, you'll have to satisfy these requirements:

1. Complete 15 A-G courses (11 of them by end of junior year) 

You need to complete a minimum of 15 college-preparatory courses (A-G courses) with a letter grade of C or better. For courses completed during Winter 2020 through summer 2021, UC will also accept a grade of CR (credit) and P (pass). You must complete at least 11 of these courses prior to the beginning of your last year of high school.
The 15 courses are:
a. History
2 years
b. English
4 years
c. Mathematics
3 years
d. Science
2 years
e. Language other than English
*or equivalent to the 2nd level of high school instruction
2 years*
f. Visual and performing arts
1 year
g. College-preparatory elective
(chosen from the subjects listed above or another course approved by the university)
1 year

2. Earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better (3.4 if you're a nonresident) in these courses with no grade lower than a C.


California students

If you're a state resident graduating from a California high school who has met the minimum requirements and aren't admitted to any UC campus to which you apply, you'll be offered a spot at another campus if space is available, provided:
  • You rank in the top 9 percent of California high school students, according to our updated Statewide Index, or

  • You rank in the top 9 percent of your graduating class at a participating high school. We refer to this as "Eligible in the Local Context" (ELC).
UC Resources 
How to Calculate your UC GPA 
UC Doorways Course List 
The University of California System